A lot has happened in the last year. Most of the work has gone into our VoIP platform. We have increased the quality of our calls by adding more termination partners. All our termination partners compete for our minutes. When we find one with a cheaper rate to a country, we give him a try. If the quality is as good or better as our previous partner them we select him and lower our rates so that our users can also benefit. Our rates have been lowered by more than 20% this year. Having more partners also gives us more options when the quality of calls is poor in an area. In some cases, we have increased our rates because the quality was just not good enough. Overall, our users are always happy when we can make changes within an hour when the quality to a destination is not good enough.
The biggest difference we noticed dealing with termination partners is that they are now running after us. When we started, some partners didn't even answer our emails. Now they are calling every week to get our minutes. It makes it a lot easier.
We have also invested in our infrastructure, adding more servers to have a better world wide coverage. A few more countries are planned for this year.
Our efforts have been rewarded. We have more than tripled our users and users are staying longer.
We have also launched a new app called WiCall Business. With this app, we use only copper wire call quality. Our servers handling the calls are located right next to the telcos terminating our calls. The call is physically connected to the traditional telephone network, call quality is optimal at a slightly more expensive rate. We had very good results using this app, users are willing to pay more for higher quality.
This year, we plan on launching several new exciting services.
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