Thursday, June 2, 2011

International Platform

In order to improve its call quality, Tribair has invested heavily in its telecommunication infrastructure. It now has servers on all continents except Oceania, but servers in Australia and New Zealand will be installed and taking calls shortly. In order to benefit from the new infrastructure, users must upgrade to the latest version (1.2.6 on iPhone, 1.70 on Android). The delay experience by users has been significantly reduced, users will now benefit from the same call quality everywhere in the world.

Furthermore, Tribair has changed it's speech compression algorithm. Calls are now using less bandwidth with smaller packets which are less likely to be lost in the cloud. In heavily used public WiFis, calls have a better chance to be high quality.

Tribair will continue to monitor the quality of each call by measuring delays and packet loss. Measures are taken every week to make sure the quality follows its user growth.

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