Friday, April 1, 2011

New Languages

As our app gets used all over the world, we get several requests to support more languages. Being from Canada with a multi-cultural history, it is obvious to support as many languages as possible. By an incredible amount of circumstances, we had a 1960 world map at our office with all the languages spoken. Looking at the number of smartphones and our number of users in every country, we have decide to add as soon as possible the following languages: Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Deutsch and Arabic.

Having myself lived in Tunisia for a year, I feel I also needed to do something for all my friends back there. The problem with Arabic is that it is read right to left. Some interfaces will have to be re-designed, but we have so many users in Arabic countries that we have to support them with an app in their own language. Finally, in some countries, Tribair calls go through where Skype are blocked. So lets help everyone communicate.

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