Thursday, March 24, 2011

Launch History

I often get questions about my picture on our web site. I was told a few times that the hippie look is out. The picture has nothing to do with marketing or trying to find a look. I really don't care about my look. In fact, I would rather not have any pictures on our site. But that picture comes with a story. It comes from the great Canadian playoff hockey tradition. The playoffs in hockey last around 2 months. The players have the tradition and mostly the superstition of not shaving their beard otherwise it will bring bad luck. There has been some numerous famous beards in the history of hockey. You can look at the top 5 here:

But my favourite is:

Lanny McDonald winning the Stanley Cup!

At Tribair, we decided to go into playoff mode. Until we launched, everyone got up at 5 in the morning and worked as much as family could support without breaking apart. We couldn't shave or miss a morning until we launched. Needless to say, new features weren't even proposed. The picture was taken right after we had launched. It's a mix of tired and satisfied.

If you want to launch a product quickly, go into playoff mode. It works.


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