Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Startup: the dreamers and the schemers

Remember me? I made a post on this blog a couple weeks ago caricaturing myself as the despicable metrics guy at Tribair.

My World is made of numbers, trends, progression bars, red/yellow/green indicators…

I've also been studying Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for quite a bit now and often try to understand what my
associates's World is made of.

When I do this exercise, their World seems so different from mine that I'm scared. Should I?

No, definitely not!
We are a low fat startup team. I share my DNA with my fellow peers, a startup culture, and a goal. Sharing more would simply be too dangerous to me.
We don't have the same domain expertise, the same management style, the same age, the same stress factors…

But, what is the perfect startup team made of? all startup blogs have an answer, here is mine: it's made of only one person: Steve Jobs.
NLP again, can we modelize Jobs's brain and reproduce his thinking process? What an exciting project…
  • Jobs is human, he sees (human) problems and knows how to humanly fix them with technologies
  • Jobs knows how to drive, how to drive a project, how to drive a team
  • Jobs understands how to reach, talk to and sell to the people whose problems are being solved

Very few people have all three skills, and even if they come close, they are rarely in perfect balance.

I am not Steve Jobs, and chances are you are not either. Is Tribair collectively a Steve Jobs? are you?

Let me rephrase, I'm not a Steve Jobs yet. Yes, it also takes a lot of ego to succeed :)

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